In this gallery, we’ll explore all of the gear you must be equipped with for your visit!
If you have all of the things below with you while you’re here, NOTHING can stop you from crushing these challenges like nobody’s business.
Stay safe & have fun! -TimberTop Team
- We require guests to wear full coverage footwear. No flip flops or Birkenstocks! This is for obvious toe-stubbing reasons, but also makes sure that your shoes stay on your feet and do not fly off to hit someone down below the course!
- Guests with longer hair should tie back their hair with an elastic before entering the courses. We have some available in our storefront if you forget!
- We equip you with a helmet to keep your precious noggin safe from bonking heads against obstacles or other people!
- Top of the line Bornack harnesses will keep you feeling secure and worry-free while you are up in the courses. These things are STRONG!
- Gloves are mandatory at the park because you will be dealing with a lot of rope, wire, and wood. We have some available for purchase in our store front for adults and kids in case you do not have any!